It keeps happening, although it was a different bridge in the town of Glenville that turned this tractor trailer into a sardine can and the immediate area surrounding the bridge into a cereal bowl.

It happened Thursday morning on Maple Avenue in Glenville.

A tractor trailer driver attempted to make it underneath the Maple Ave railroad bridge and failed. Signs approaching the bridge say it has a 10 foot clearance. Police have shut down Maple Ave between Alplaus Road and Glenridge Road as crews try to clean up the mess and remove the tractor trailer.

News 10 was on the scene and reported boxes upon boxes of cereal spilled out of the truck, even up onto the bridge.

News 10 ABC/YouTube
News 10 ABC/YouTube
News 10 ABC/YouTube
News 10 ABC/YouTube
News 10 ABC/YouTube
News 10 ABC/YouTube
News 10 ABC/YouTube
News 10 ABC/YouTube

To reiterate, this isn't the Glenville Bridge that normally gets hit, but it is close by. Looking at some of the photos, it also appears some cargo trains were on the bridge at the time - no word on if they were just stopped or if operations on the rail had come to a halt because of the strike.

CBS 6 says the tractor trailer driver has reportedly been ticketed.

The problem with the bridge(s) is two fold. One, drivers often ignore the clearance signs leading up. Two, the bridge itself is owned by a Canadian company, which makes any kind of construction to raise the bridge or reroute the railroad extremely difficult.

Back in March, the Times Union reported that the town of Glenville and State DOT officials announced plans to build a turnaround area before the Glenville bridge, offering vehicles too large to fit underneath a chance to change their route.

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Gallery Credit: Dan Bahl

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